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What Is A `CPA Network’?

December 20, 2010 by Costs Per Action  
Filed under Cost Per Action

A CPA network is a company that allows advertisers and web publishers
(internet marketers) to find each other and connect.

In other words, it’s the “dating agency” that pairs you up with your best ad match.

And as with dating agencies, there are leftover prejudices about CPA networks being risky. The truth is, CPA networks have matured just as many of the bigger and more selective dating agencies (such as eHarmony) have done. Just as you see “real people” committed to values and caring relationships on eHarmony – compared to the sort of dating agency that
uses scantily-clad girls speaking lines laced with sleazy innuendo. Most CPA networks are solid and reliable – it’s certain unscrupulous publishers (affiliates) who most often generate the “shady” label.

In fact, one of the most important functions a CPA network can perform lies in making sure both web publisher (you) and the advertiser are reputable, solid prospects.

Choose recognized and reputable CPA networks, and use intelligent marketing tactics, and your sites should never have a problem with credibility.

How Does It Work?

So far, it sounds remarkably like affiliate marketing, doesn’t it? But there are some vital differences it helps to learn straight away.

Both rely on internet marketers to promote their products. The biggest different between the two lies in CPA emphasis on its affiliates generating leads, rather than sales. It’s usually less labor-intensive – you don’t have to do the sort of ongoing promotion affiliate marketing needs.

And in case you’re wondering what I mean by “generating leads”, that means having site visitors act by filling out a form with some sort of personal contact information.

After that, your part is done – except for collecting your payment! It really is that easy.

Start simply at first, with email and zip code cost per action ads. As your skills grow, add in cost per acquisition to promote high-ticket items.

Darren Williger's SEO Wheel for Effective Search Engine Mastery

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